Raw Basil Seeds


Raw Basil Seeds

Net weight:165 gm

Get ready to naturally slow digestion and prevent high levels of sugar, with Woahganics Basil seeds. When soaked in water, it forms a jelly-like texture that helps you keep your food pipe free of congestion. One spoon is all it takes to feel the freshness within.

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Sabja seeds, also called tukmaria or basil seeds, are black seeds that look a lot like chia seeds and offer immense health benefits. They are native to India but different from the holy basil- also called Tulsi. Sabja seeds are rich in protein, essential fats, carbs, and are packed with fiber. Surprisingly, they contain no calories.

Sabja seeds are very hard and you cannot consume them raw. They are best consumed after soaking in water, which makes them more gelatinous. Sabja seeds typically come from sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum, which we commonly use as seasoning. As they come from the sweet basil plant, they are commonly referred to as sweet basil seeds.


Benefits of Sabja seeds

1. Aids Weight Loss
Rich in alpha-linolenic acid, sabja seeds are known for their weight loss benefits. As they are full of fiber, they keep you full for a long time, prevent unwanted cravings, and aid in weight loss.

2. Controls blood sugar levels
It slows down the metabolism of your body and controls the conversion of carbs into glucose. It is considered to be good for type II diabetes patients.lowered blood sugar levels

3. Helps relieve constipation and bloating
Sabja seeds naturally detox your body by regulating smooth bowel movement. It contains a volatile oil that helps relieve gas from your gastrointestinal tract and acts as a stomach cleanser.

4. Helps treat acidity and heartburn
Sabja seeds help to neutralize the acidic effect of HCL in the body, which can bring relief from acidity and heartburn. Because we consume the seeds after being soaked in water, the water content helps soothe the stomach lining and relieves you from the burning sensation.

5. Good for skin and hair
We can accomplish Sabja seeds benefit for the skin by adding crushed seeds to coconut oil and applying it to the affected area. It helps in treating skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis. Eating them regularly helps your body to secrete collagen, which is required to form new skin cells.

It is proven that Sabja seeds are beneficial for healthy hair as they are full of iron, vitamin K, and protein that is needed for long and strong hair. The antioxidant properties present in them also benefit your skin and hair.

6. Helps cure cough and cold
Yet another sabja/basil seed’s benefit is its antispasmodic property. These seeds soothe the spasmatic muscles and help them relax. The antispasmodic property helps to control whooping cough. They also aid in strengthening the body’s immunity system.

Basil seeds are a rich source of minerals that are essential for your body to stay healthy. They are loaded with health benefits and have recently started gaining popularity for their weight loss properties.

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